Friday, December 27, 2019

Important Role of Women in Homers Odyssey Essay examples

For the Greeks, Homers Odyssey was much more than just an entertaining tale of gods, monsters, and men, it served as cultural paradigm from which every important role and relationship could be defined. This book, much more so than its counter part The Iliad, gives an eclectic view of the Acheans peacetime civilization. Through Odyssey, we gain an understanding of what is proper or improper in relationships between father and son, god and mortal, servant and master, guest and host, and--importantly--man and woman. Women play a vital role in the movement of this narrative. Unlike in The Iliad, where they are chiefly prizes to be won, bereft of identity, the women of Odyssey are unique in their personality, intentions, and†¦show more content†¦Some have argued that one of the principal motivation behind the Greeks disparaging attitude towards their women stemmed from fear of female sexual power. In both The Odyssey and other myths, we hear of men imprisoned by their passio ns for nymphs. For instance, the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite (5) reports that Anchises frets after sleeping with Aphrodite for no man retains his full strength who sleeps with an immortal goddess (Morford 140). Greeks feared the mental side effects of sexual domination as much as the physical effects. The Odysseys nymphs Calypso and Circe epitomize this fear of mental domination. Though Odysseus longs for home, he finds it hard to move from the embrace of either of these two nymphs. His men have to force him off Aeaea, where he has been staying with the powerful Circe. Similarly, Homer describes Odysseus on Ogygia as sitting, still, weeping, his eyes never dry, his sweet life flowing away with the tears he wept for his foiled journey home (Fagles 5:166). This scene shows the Son of Laertes utterly miserable, yet unable to tear himself away from carnal delight. The very same man who dragged his men away from the land of the Lotus-Eaters seems to prove that women are his drug of choice. Circe and Calypso, throughShow MoreRelatedThe Odyssey, by Homer Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesHomer’s Odyssey was written around 700 BC. During this time there was major social and economic change, which brought the development of new cities, as well as new laws to govern them. Political rights and citizenship in Greek society truly defined the roles of women in this time period. All of the laws governing the population of Greece were not only written by men, but also enforced by men. Homer’s Odyssey is the product of a society in which men played the dominant role. Women were held atRead MoreThe Penelopiad Analysis958 Words   |  4 Pagesnovel ‘The Odyssey’ . 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Mind And The Brain - 1053 Words

Over many years, scientists and philosophers have asked the question: is there any difference in the mind and the brain? These genius minds have searched without sleep trying to figure out this question, but, the puzzles behind our consciousness remain unsolved and unreachable. Philosophers such as Peter Carruthers argue that the mind is the brain and that objections like those made by, philosopher, Frank Jackson, are based on a â€Å"conflation of know-how with knowing-that. Again, we are left with the question of whether or not the mind is the brain or if the mind is a completely separate entity in itself. In order to figure this, very difficult and confusing question out, an overview of some philosophical theories can be made, along with an†¦show more content†¦Pluralism is â€Å"the view that there are many kinds or categories.† (Robinson) In a gist, pluralism argues that, fundamentally, there is a single reality but it may present a different aspect of that rea lity. Before evaluating whether there is an existing relationship between the brain and the mind, there should be an explanation of what the mind is. One answer to the concept of the mind is that it causes a conscious experience and that it is a program or, wholly a system that monitors behavior. To break it down more simply, the mind can be defined as consciousness. Consciousness can, most obviously, be defined as the awareness of the things happening around us as well as the awareness that we exist. If we come to an assumption that the mind is a conscious happening, does mind control brain or is mind the result of what the brain is processing? Studies of the cognitive mind have gone so far as to argue that consciousness may arise from cellular or sub-cellular level of organization rather than, what is scientifically assumed, nerve circuitry. (Thagard) Alternatively, a certain conscious experience, by itself, cannot reckon for the mind as a major part of the behavior we display un consciously. Some things, such as brightness and size, are preserved by our nervous system, falling below widely changing environmental things such as distance and light. (Thagard) Our consciousness is not immediately necessary for learning. For example, preparing is usuallyShow MoreRelatedThe Mind And The Brain879 Words   |  4 Pages Professor Serant December 3, 2015 Final Third High Stake Essay: Interaction between Others Every person views the world through their own lens. The mind and the brain differ from each other. The brain is our physical organ that is attached to our body. The mind is intangible in that it holds our thoughts, feelings, and imagination. It is the invisible object that allows us to apprehend to our surroundings. Everyone interacts with the environment differentlyRead MoreThe Mind Of The Brain2123 Words   |  9 Pages SUMMARY The brain is possibly the most fascinating thing in this entire world. It controls and creates our realities. The brain functions through three different mind levels- conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.The idea of three levels of mind was introduced by an Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud. He used an Iceberg as an analogy to describe each level in the brain.( Appendix #) The tip of the Iceberg is the conscious level and it represents about 10% of the brain’s capacity. Humans spendRead MoreThe Brain And Mind Identity1608 Words   |  7 Pagesworld is more mysterious than the human mind but without the brain how do you have a mind? The brain sends and receives information by electrical impulses around the human body allowing us to see, move, feel, hear and think. If the brain is removed from the human body these impulses will cease, thus there will be no mind. Philosophers like Place, Smart, and Armstrong support this claim through the notion of identify theory and ty pe physicalism. Brain and mind identity is a very controversial topicRead MoreThe Mind And Brain Work977 Words   |  4 Pages(Pg.584). What I took from this point was that Smart was trying to express that the mind isn’t some sort of thing that exists separate from the brain. The mind at most exists within the brain but isn’t some kind of physical thing or separate existence within us. I believe that the mind and brain work together and have a connection but they do not exist as the same thing. If everything were just measurable brain processes we would all act and feel the exact same way about every experience. We wouldn’tRead MoreThe Existence Of The Mind And The Brain Essay1703 Words   |  7 Pagestypes (or kinds, or classes) of mental states (M) are identical with types (or kinds, or classes) of physical states (P) such that M=P. Advocates of this theory propose that this assertion is a dependent element in regards to the nature of the mind and the brain; it makes no effort to illuminate the meaning of mental terms and thus differs from a semantic thesis like logical behaviorism (ex: pain means physiological state X). When questioning whether mental states are the same as physical states,Read MoreDualism And Belief That The Mind And Brain Essay1201 Words   |  5 Pagessubstance and a physical substance. Moreland notes that there are contrasting differences between the minds and the brains and that they are ultimately separate entities. By defending dualism, Moreland seeks to make nonbelievers believe in immaterial souls, while discrediting materialism. We can look at the arguments in which Moreland uses to support the argument of dualism and belief that the mind and brain are separate entities. 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I will argue my thesis by referring to Peter Carruthers’ The Mind Is the Brain to establish that one’s mental states are in fact brain states and will also refer to Epicurus’ Death is Nothing to Us. Next, I will explain that if one accepts the Identity Theory then one should also accept, asRead MoreThe Mind / Brain Identity Theory1718 Words   |  7 PagesA person relates to the world through different mental and corporeal experiences. The former is associated with one having a (non-physical) mind, which contains beliefs, desires, feelings and so on, while the latter involves having a (physical) brain. The Mind/Body problem questions whether the mind and brain are the same or different objects. For a long time, the interpretation of these experiences has been much debated by philosophers and scientists. On e influential interpretation is Descartes’sRead MoreThe Mind Controls Our Brain1503 Words   |  7 Pagessignificant progress in the field of neuroscience and the researches on brain’s study, there has been a huge modification of some statement that were considered as relevant in the past such â€Å"our brain controls our mind† but, nowadays it’s quite clear that science agrees the contrary , which is â€Å"our mind controls our brain† and this can be elucidated by the fact that statistics confirm that 75-98 % of physical, mental and behavior illnesses come from our thought life; 350 million worldwide people suffer from

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Executing and Controlling Project

Question: Describe the process used by a project team to undertake the work according to the agreed scope management plan and how changes to scope should be managed. Attach a flow chart and describe the steps? 1. Description of used process by project team to undertake work according to scope management plan and changes that managed scope2. Importance to report instances of non-compliance with the scope3. Methods that used to control the project schedule4. Description the process of project activities are documented and evaluation of determination the compliance with agreed quality standards5. Tools and Techniques of monitor and report on cost throughout the project execution6. The performance of team member and contractors involved in a project evaluation7. Information management and communication methods are commonly used to keep all relevant parties8. Outline of risk management in project9. Outline of process of project management that conducted on a project10. Outline of procurement management process Answer: 1 . Description of used process by project team to undertake work according to scope management plan and changes that managed scope In order to undertake the work to scope management plan during the project, project management team the following process with application of skills, knowledge, techniques, tools with broad range of activities (Bredillet, 2010). Figure 1: Process of scope management plan (Source: Martinsuo, 2013, pp- 795) Initiation Process: This part was used by the project team in terms of making the idea of project and examines the benefits from the project to organization. During the initialization stage, decision-making team properly identified the realistic of project regarding completion. Planning Process: The project team outlined as well as writing the scope of project that required to be performed. In this particular process, project team calculated the budget, prioritized the project and made schedule. Execution Process: The management staff of the project provides individual responsibilities into the team members and allocates the resources of task based on individual as well as group (Brewer and Dittman, 2013). Controlling Process: This part was most critical and important phase in terms of executing the project successfully. Project management team compared the status of project with actual progress plan. During the controlling process project, management staffs adjusted the schedule and takes necessary steps for project completion (Collins, 2010). Closing Process: After complete the project, management team evaluated the necessary steps in order to highlight the success of project as well as learn from the project. 2. Importance to report instances of non-compliance with the scope Report instance of non-compliance with the scope is an important aspect of the project regarding safeguard system. Holzmann (2013) argued that it is also helps in establishing required mechanism for determining the non-compliance with the scope of the project itself. Apart from that, non-compliance is necessary in terms of distinguishing between the less serious breaches and safeguard breaches that have actual significance. Moreover, non-compliance with the scope is also helps in understanding the issues related to the project through adopting guideline. After deciding the breaches, non-compliance sufficiently report to the board member of the project (Dalcher, 2011). On the other hand, Safeguard breach in the project constitutes non-compliance with the scope of project. 3. Methods that used to control the project schedule In order to control the schedule of the project, project management team has to implement five basic steps such as progress reporting, performance measurement, project management software, variance analysis and schedule comparison bar charts. These methods allowed the project team in controlling the project scheduled in undertaken project for the organization. Progress Reporting: According to Huemann (2013), progress reporting provided the information of current scheduling including start and finish date. Apart from that, progress reporting schedules the activities of remaining time of unfinished work. Within the undertaken project, management has to take total responsibility of periodical reporting of the progress of project. This template can create consistency of organizational components that relates with the project. Performance Measurement: Hydari (2013) opined that poor performance of the workers may changes the project schedule such as delay to deliver. However, performance measurement tools allows in producing the Schedule Performance Index and Schedule Variance. Apart from that, performance measurement provides the required corrective action that is the important part of schedule control for any undertaken project. Project Management Software: For schedule control, various types of project management software such as Basecamp, TeamLab, Kapost, etc plays the important role within the undertaken project. Project Management Software allows the project management team in tracking ability of worker and comparing the actual dates with the planned dates (Doloi, 2011). Apart from that project, management software helps in forecasting the project schedule changes as well as makes real the schedule that is the useful tool of schedule control. Variance Analysis: It is the key function of schedule control in any project. Variance analysis allows the project management team in analyzing the monitoring process of scheduling. Furthermore, variance analysis compares the target schedule dates with the finish date as well as actual dates of start. Schedule Comparison Bar Chart: Use of bar charts with comparison increase the activity of schedule and control in a better way. Set of bar charts in the project management process allows the team member of displaying the status as well as the other status that approved as a baseline of project schedule. 4. Description the process of project activities are documented and evaluation of determination the compliance with agreed quality standards Hllgren (2012) suggested that the process of documentation and evaluation in terms of generating standard quality of project is a broad area. Several steps have to adopt and implement into the project in terms of developing documentation of project activities. These are Stakeholder Analysis: This is the most important part in documenting project activities. Stakeholder analysis helps the project manager in understanding the actual perspective of involved stakeholder. Objective Analysis: Project management team has to fully involve with the objectives of project and analysis the meeting of traditional beliefs. Apart from that, need to observe the friction and interactions of project objecting in terms of documentation of project and evaluate it to determine the compliance that generates high standard quality. Interview: Project manager has to visit stakeholders and other member who related with the project and take face to face interview about their own decision. Background Information: Project team needs to collect information from open sources such as journals, books, articles, interview experts, websites, etc in terms of documenting the context of the initiative for change (Gladden, 2010). Organize moments and share findings: In order to document the project activities and evaluate it for increasing standard quality of project, need to organize moments of daily activities as well as analyze the patterns and trends of project Apart from that, project management team has to share the findings of complete project into a rapid destination. 5. Tools and Techniques of monitor and report on cost throughout the project execution In order to monitor and report on cost throughout the project execution following tools and techniques are valuable and essential in terms of managing costs efficiently Budget and Planning: Journal (2013) argued that managing costs means meeting the budget. This process calls cost estimation. Two different components such as estimation of the scope of the work and cost for each complete task. Planning: Need to prepare the project plan through assembling the estimation of cost and scheduling activities. Earned Value: In order to manage the cost of project effectively, need to identify the value of the work that is very much helpful in accounting the technique commonly. Therefore, through the process of earned value, project management team can able to changes quickly that is essential for the success of the project. Time Management: This is also an important technique that effectively manage the cost of project. Project manager has to take full responsibility in managing time through properly work schedule. 6. The performance of team member and contractors involved in a project evaluation The team member and contractor of the project fully involved in various processes for evaluating the project such as Contractors and team members helps in identifying the objectives of performance evaluation such as improvement of customer relationship, resolve the issue of mid-project, increase project performance in future, etc. Team members and contractors identifies the evaluation scope of project through several analysis like bottom-up, top-down, customer, peer to peer, etc. Choose the participants Select the mechanisms of performance measurement such as interviews, formal meetings, surveys, etc. Analyze results of evaluation such as weakness, strengths, etc. The most important role that played by the team members and contractors in evaluating the project is application of results evaluations that required to suit the objectives identified in performance evaluation like customer relationship management, address issue, etc. 7. Information management and communication methods are commonly used to keep all relevant parties In order to keep all parties informed and submit daily report about the project, several tools and techniques were required for successfully complete the project. For effective project management, various tools and techniques are available that facilitate the effective as well as efficient communication individually. Within the project, team members along with the project manager implement various types of communication and information management that are the key of influencing success of the project. Within the project, there were two types of communication methods available such as active and passive. Active communications are mainly used regularly. Following are the active communication methods that help in keeping all parties into a single chain Face to face formal meeting with the stakeholders Formal meeting through video calling using social media technique such as Skype, Gtalk, Facebook, etc Telephonic conference with the stakeholders In order to deliver presentation based activities, project managers commonly used webinars Standup presentation On the other hand, Kapsali (2011) argued that there are several passive communication method that allows the project management team in keeping all parties with the project scope. These are Websites Email Table top presentation Blogs Web Cast Pod Cast Intranet bulletin boards Project Newsletter (Based on paper) In order to ensure the all information is timely, accurate and relevant, project team has to align report with the overall strategy that must support to the objectives of that particular organization. Apart from that, project team has to look for efficient leaders that consider the opportunities of the project (Turner, 2012). Furthermore, need to set time for transforming as well as closing the system and properly plan for the submission of work. The most important thing that required to ensure all information timely, relevant and accurate, project team has to evaluate the alternative operating models. 8. Outline of risk management in project In terms of managing risk in the project, need to maintain the following criteria such as Involve risk management part with in the project: It is an essential as well as important art of managing risk over the project. Involvement of risk management plan into the project, project manager is able to make several benefits that increases project approaches. Apart from that, risk management plan allows the project team in developing methods for handling the out risk. Identification of risk early: It is the responsibility as well as quality of project manager to identify risk early (Kodukula, 2011). In terms of identifying risk early within project, project manager has to maintain two different resources such s paper and people. People within the project are the team members or investors, therefore, manager of project has to co-operate with each and identify the expectation as well as demand of the team members. Apart from that, need to use paper for documentation. Daily documentation of project allows the project manager in identifying risks properly. Communication: Appropriate communication allows the people in identifying the frequent risk for project. Good approaches help in identifying risks properly. Clarify ownership issues: Project manager has to clarify the lists of risk within the project. Apart from that, project manager need to take responsibility of engaging business unit, suppliers, departments and much more into the project (Throndson et al., 2012). Register Project Risk: Project manager has to maintain the risk log enables. Using perfect communication tools project manager has to inform the stakeholders and team members about the ongoing process of current project. 9. Outline of process of project management that conducted on a project In order to conduct the project, project team has to involve several essential phase before starting the project. Apart from that, Kutsch and Hall (2010) depicted project manager has to involve suitable skilled for in project and set up the phase of six key steps such as establishment of terms of references, development of project office, development of business case, perform phase review, appointed a project team and undertake the feasibility study. For planning the project, need to involve 10 different steps such as development of project plan, development of resource plan, development of financial plan, create quality plan, perform phase review, develop a procurement plan, conduct suppliers, create risk plan, development of acceptance plan and develop communication plan. Apart from that, in this process project team determined the required resources of the project. In this mean time, project management team brought up the information that was very much important with the project ( Maylor, 2010). In order to execute the project, project manager has to plays various responsibilities such as development of deliverables, monitoring and control time, risk, quality, procurement, change, acceptance, etc. 10. Outline of procurement management process For managing the procurement within the project, need to maintain following steps Requirement Analysis: In order to manage procurement, the role of project manager is to identify the optimal solution whether procurement provides Funding Approval: Project manager has to develop the business case for funding and determine the scope of project (Martinsuo, 2013). This process is the integral part of documenting project and evaluates it to determine the standard quality of project. Service Provider Selection: For managing procurement, awarding the contract, negotiation with the suppliers and evaluate the responses of stakeholders. Contract Management: Project manager has to take the responsibility of managing performance and transition between the contracts. Project procurement plan: Ensure the strategy in accordance to achieved the objectives and determine the objectives for approaching the market. Procurement evaluation: Value for money and assess the performance of service providers. It helps in assessing the magnitude of the variations of any project that occurred during the project. Reference List Bredillet, C. (2010). Mapping the dynamics of the project management field: Project management in action (part 6).Project Management Journal, 41(2), pp.2-4. Brewer, J. and Dittman, K. (2013).Methods of IT project management. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press. Collins, M. (2010).Pro project management with SharePoint 2010. [Berkeley, Calif.]: Apress. Dalcher, D. (2011). The Oxford handbook of project management.Project Management Journal, 42(5), pp.93-93. Doloi, H. (2011). Understanding stakeholders' perspective of cost estimation in project management.International Journal of Project Management, 29(5), pp.622-636. Gladden, R. (2010). Managing project uncertainty.Project Management Journal, 41(3), pp.100-100. Hllgren, M. (2012). The construction of research questions in project management.International Journal of Project Management, 30(7), pp.804-816. Holzmann, V. (2013). A meta-analysis of brokering knowledge in project management.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.2-13. Huemann, M. (2013). Excellent research to move project management forward.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.161-163. Hydari, H. (2013). Second Order Project Management.Project Management Journal, 44(2), pp.100-100. Journal, P. (2013).Agile Project Management. Hoboken: Wiley. Kapsali, M. (2011). Systems thinking in innovation project management: A match that works.International Journal of Project Management, 29(4), pp.396-407. Kodukula, P. (2011). Complexity theory and project management.Project Management Journal, 42(5), pp.92-92. Kutsch, E. and Hall, M. (2010). Deliberate ignorance in project risk management.International Journal of Project Management, 28(3), pp.245-255. Martinsuo, M. (2013). Project portfolio management in practice and in context.International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), pp.794-803. Maylor, H. (2010).Project management. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Throndson, K., Davis, V., Bohn, W., Walton, L. and Bergner, T. (2012). N022 The 2C ECG Project: Identifying Factors That Influence Nurses Confidence and Competence With ECG Monitoring.Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 28(5), p.S427. Turner, R. (2012). International Journal of Project Management, Editorial January 2012.International Journal of Project Management, 30(1), p.1.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Origins of Rock free essay sample

Another famous rock band is The Beetles, they were around the sasss and this was hen there was the Youth Rebellion which was the young adults was upset with the war going on in Vietnam. It was very popular back then than in the 21 SST century the amount of people listening has been decreasing because of popular music culture and that generation is decreasing as well. However there are still radio stations on classic rock; its not becoming extinct but theres still a noticeable difference in listeners. The band supporting this research is a Montreal band called Medusa.They have a diverse and open mind in their music that they will add old style rock, blues and hard rock into their music. They also have great knowledge in the history of Rock and respect for the blues. Medusa also uses the same main instruments that Rock uses normally but have a piano and trumpet too if they really wanted to make an old style. We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Rock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The purpose of their music is to express experiences and loss of loved ones. The research project will discuss examples from the band Medusa, the origins and general history knowledge of Rock and Roll the organizing principles and the four components of a music-culture.Organizing Principles: Cultural Perspective 1 . Geography: The environment can affect music because it could give the Caucasian inspiration such as land, rivers, etc. A different music-culture that could relate more in depth with geography could be the Native Americans. They relate their spirituality and music through the environment and what theyre surrounded with. Maybe they may add birds chirping or waves into their production of songs to get the atmosphere. Medusas music is not really affected bytes principle neither in the earlier days of the birth of Rock. 2.Languages: this can affect music because if the band is singing in a different language then that song can be targeted to a different audience. Music is also language so people can understand it if it is their kind such as style or sound, people are more prone to listen their language than a foreign one depending how open they are of different music-cultures. Medusa keeps their songs in English because the vocalist is most comfortable with that language. The origins of Rock started with the English language because it came from American and thats their targeted audience. 3.Ethnic Group(s): There are plenty of bands that they will play music of where they are from. Medusa is somewhat affected by this principle but not so much; it would be based on their look. . Gender Roles: How gender roles affects the band Medusa is that the lead female vocalist does not want another female in the band because it would ruin the image. Medusa Was part of Greek mythology and Was said that she was the only mortal of her TTY. /0 other sisters. Rock was always known to be mainly male dominance but now there are many famous female musicians into Rock so the stereotype has decreased since the earlier days of Rock.Fans have to get a feel of Rock in the vocalists voice in order to feel a sort of familiarity with Rock music. Rock vocalists normally have to have a rough side cause thats what Rock needs since a males voice is deeper and can hit rough notes. The ideal image for a family in the 1 asss was men would go to work; their wife would be a housewife and take care of the children. However in 1 966, Janis Joplin became famous with her voice but it was rare to see women in the Rock industry in the earlier days. 5. Family Organization: this can affect music of any band; it can change dynamics or help their advertisement to other people. Medusas bass guitarists father is a business man and he managed to have their band sponsored by the battery company Energize. The bass guitarist is also a brother to the lead female vocalist so in any band there can be little fights outside of their music playing and it depends on them to not let that get involved into their music playing. In general, if your familys generation has been involved with music for a very long time, maybe your family will expect their child to get involved. There could be high expectations for their child to do very well but it depends on the child too.Another band that has a similar family structure involved would be Heart, WV lead female vocalists who are sisters; might have the same inflicts in their earlier days of publishing their work such as arguments. Its quite common for a musically talented family to join together and make music. It can affect their production in music if none can cooperate together. 6. Community Life: Medusas tradition is before going on stage they will encourage each other and talk about their choreography of moving around on the stage. Afterwards they will talk about their performance.They will send their energy to the crowd as they play because they are playing for them and dont want their fans to feel left out; its meant for them. There used to be rock festival called Woodstock Music and Arts Festival for Peace, it happened once in the 1969 then the asss and another in the asss but stopped because the last one had a lot of vandalism. It would have been the common tradition for Rock bands to share music. 7. Religion/Spirituality: The bass guitarist from Medusa spiritual belief is music is a language; he was influenced by a bass guitarist, Victor Wooden.When he plays music, he feels a different connection in a spiritual way with his guitar that only his bass guitar can speak. The beginning of Rock, religious groups would gather to have a inferior and burn Elvis records. They were disturbed by Elvis sexual movements and felt that his music was extremely perverse. This was when Rock was the new hit near the origins. It was important for many back then to be religious and attend to church. It played a big role in an American family and thats why they responded in such a way to Elvis music performances. 8.Economy: In order for a band to share their music, they need to rent a hall space, stage, buy or improve their equipment. Nowadays, customers are not buying Cads which affects the music industry because that band may not aka a profit nor will their publisher and everyone involved. They either get their music for free online which leads bands having to come up with a different way to make income. This relates to how popular culture of music is decreasing the amount of people listening to Rock because now that everyone has to listen to the norm, Rock bands are struggling with having their talented work known.The origins of Rock which was in the sasss-sasss, there was immigration of African-Americans where they went to Chicago, this affected the economy and they wish for a more peaceful life Han what was happening in the south. This affected music because it eventually created another genre and many were inspired by the African- American blues music. 9. Regionalism: All music depends on the region; it affects music because certain areas can be affected by war and poverty, etc. In the 1 asss, the Youth Rebellion was really well known to adolescents frustration on how to live their life and also their intolerance to the war in Vietnam.Rock and Roll musicians felt the same way as well so their music was affected by making songs about peace and no war. This was a chance for Caucasians to reach out to others so that they could get fans to agree with their lyrics. 10. History/Politics: The bass guitarist and lead vocalist are partly aboriginal, so for their performance they will put war paint as if they are going to war. If this was related to the history of Rock, it could be compared to the Youth Rebellion how young adults wanted to rebel over the war going on in Vietnam or did not want a lifestyle as everyone was obligated to do.In some ways they became political with this concept on how to live their life. The Four Components of a Music-culture I. Ideas about Music The bass guitarist from Medusa believes that music is a language, that influence is from a bass guitarist called Victor Wooden. It all depends on the musician in what they believe for Rock music. Rock was meant to either rebel or be free of their choice and promote peace across the land. Rock shows are normally performed at arenas, bars, halls and possibly outdoors. Also on television and the radio, in the 195(Yes sound and image started improving therefore more advertisement of the bands music. II. Activities involving Music The bass guitarist from Medusa when hes making music his body and bass attar speaks for him to his crowd. Rock was advertised on television and the radio; the fans would dance to it more so than the other genres. The musicians are playing and Elvis was the first to add gyrating hip movements so that people could actually get into it and get their attention.Bill Haley when he made Rock Around The Clock (1 956), he performed, couples would dance to his music and swing their partners. Ill. Repertoires of Music A. Rock is a fast upbeat tempo, majority of the time there will be solos. The style is different from the blues, although Elvis covered blues songs he still deed more of an energetic beat and the instruments were used differently. It feels like your body will be restless when hearing this kind of beat. B. Medusas lyrics are either about experience or loss of loved ones.The lyrics in the beginning of Rock and Roll were normally about rebelling, spreading peace and songs just for fun. C. Music is normally to express emotions and can be created together. Rock came into existence with ideas put together on how to make a new genre, also around that time sounds for instruments were improving. All that contributed in adding different styles is what made Rock come together into existence. Primarily the electric guitar solos and the upbeat tempo is what made Rock come into existence. However Bill Haley and Elvis did make it happen for Rock to be the popular music-culture in the sasss D.How music was transmitted in the bass guitarist and the lead female vocalist from Medusa was their father used to play bass guitar and in their genes they are most likely to succeed in playing an instrument or learning to play one. The bass guitarist learned on his own using tutorials on the internet and had some experience learning to read music using the trumpet. There is a difference between Rock then and now; there has been a great decrease in adolescents learning to play an instrument. The blues was important for the African-American culture because the amount Of suffering they had to go through being discriminated and treated as slaves.It was important for their children to know their history and what their songs meant that way their songs can be passed down to another generation to possibly continue the blues. It all works differently for each music-culture. IV. Material Culture Materials that are used in the music making are of course, the instruments: ass guitar, electric guitar, electric drum kit, microphones, amplifiers, mixer, laptop (to piece the song together with clarity) and little accessories needed to play (guitar pick, guitar strap, drum sticks, cords, etc). Other instruments that are not used as often is the keyboard, acoustic guitar, saxophone and the trumpet for Rock song recordings. What this project has taught me is that music can be affected in many different ways: It allows us together, stand up, and celebrate. I only realized after taking this class that music is essentially important for the human race. This project allowed me to understand a certain culture of music and how there are many diverse genres; rock can vary depending on how the band feels.For instance, the band being studied, Medusa enjoys incorporating old style of Rock, blues and the new style of hard core Rock into their songs. It helped me understand that popular culture music can decrease the amount of people listening to Rock, now that technology has helped music advance it also has the Older generation keeping Rock alive; many are preventing Rock from being forgotten as if it were a language potentially being extinct.